Former FIFA executive committee member dies after battling cancer

A former top football official, who gave evidence to US investigators in and was key in the FIFA corruption scandal, has died aged 72, his lawyers said on Wednesday.

Chuck Blazer, a former FIFA executive committee member, whose admissions of corruption ultimately led to the downfall of Sepp Blatter, long-time FIFA president, had been battling cancer up to his death. He was also banned for life from all football activities in 2015 for accepting bribes in conjunction with bids to host previous football World Cup contests.

"We are truly saddened by the passing of our client and friend, Chuck Blazer," his lawyers said in a statement to AFP new agency.

"His misconduct, for which he accepted full responsibility, should not obscure Chuck's positive impact on international soccer," the statement added.

"In his positions as a football official, he was a key player in schemes involving the offer, acceptance, payment and receipt of undisclosed and illegal payments, bribes and kickbacks as well as other moneymaking schemes," FIFA said as it announced the life ban of the former vice president of US football organization.

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