Portugal's President vetoes legal gender changing law

Portugal's President, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, have vetoed a law that would have made it easier for people to change their legal gender in the country.

The law, which was approved by Parliament last month and needed the President's approval, would have allowed citizens to change their gender and name in documents from the age of 16 without the need for a medical report.

President Rebelo de Sousa asked parliament to consider raising the minimum age to 18.

On a statement, posted on the Presidential website (in Portuguese), he called for "the provision of prior medical evaluation for citizens under 18 years of age".

Explaining his decision, he said that if there is a possibility that the individual will undergo gender reassignment surgery in future then it would be "sensible" to seek a medical opinion.

Parliament can now amend the law in line with the president's suggestions.

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