What does the term organic and natural actually means when it comes to skincare? That right there is the question that buzzes in the minds of some people.
During a field study carried out by the marketing team at Marvels’ Skincare, they observed that a higher number of the people they interacted either have not heard about an organic skincare product nor knows anything about it. So, in today’s article, we would be explaining what an organic/natural skincare product is all about.
First, we start by explaining the term organic. This refers/relates to a substance derived from living organisms/things, while natural, on the other hand, refers to something available/occurring in nature. Therefore, an organic/natural skincare product refers to a skincare product made from high quality, organically farmed ingredients (also includes animal derived ingredients/products) that haven’t been sprayed with agricultural chemicals and herbicides. That right there is what an organic/natural skincare product is about.
In 1994, the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) surveyed 1,687 consumer ages 14 and older about their use of cosmetics. The survey showed that nearly half of these consumers felt that a product claiming to be “natural” should contain all natural ingredients.This survey doesn’t refer to skincare products that contain one organic ingredient alongside other chemicals as organic/natural and should not be regarded as such.
Now you are in the know.
Marvel's Skin Care
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