The Social Democratic Party (SDP) have chosen Dr Junaid Mohammed, who had once alleged that the Igbos are using the agitation for Biafra to blackmail the North into ceding the 2019 presidency to them, as the running mate to her Presidential candidate, Donald Duke.
This was made known by Donald Duke, who is a former Governor of Cross River State.
However, speaking to The Sun, Dr Mohamed insisted that such move will only prevent the South East from producing Nigeria’s president because, “democracy is a game of numbers,” adding that nobody can tell “people to vote for you because you are being irresponsible.”
He also maintained that Igbos caused the Civil war that claimed the lives of over one million people and wondered why the same people who caused the Civil war will now turn around to demand for Presidency.
“The Igbo are clamouring for an additional state, one of the reasons they are now talking about Biafra, even though the real reason is that they want to blackmail the North, to concede presidency to them.
“By this means, they will never get any hope for presidency because democracy is a game of numbers. You cannot tell people to vote for you because you are being irresponsible.
“You caused the civil war that claimed over one million people, you will now come back and demand as a right that you must have a president. Is it democracy they are talking about or secession?”, he said.